Hypno Sport

Hypnotherapy for Peak Performance

Hypnotherapy has proved highly effective for elevated sports performance. It can help to increase confidence and boost your self-esteem. You may already know what it takes to get results. But what’s in the way of you getting your hands the ultimate prize?

Whether you’re a golfer, a tennis player or any other sport, you will benefit from ridding yourself of self-doubt, get out of your own way so to speak, leaving the way clear for success.

Hypnotherapy for performance has been broadly accepted as a valuable means to achieve peak performance, especially since the 1956 Melbourne Olympics when the Soviet team brought more than ten Clinical Hypnotherapists as part of their back room squad.

Why are sportspeople using hypnotherapy ?

  • Develop positive attitudes
  • Create strong mental strength and confidence
  • Enhance skills
  • Build concentration
  • Superior goal setting
  • Reduce nerves
  • Dissolve fear of failure
  • Dissolve fear of success
  • Increase endurance and stamina

Obviously, hypnotherapy cannot make you a world class athlete on its own. There is much training and skill required. However, hypnotherapy can be used as a training aid for that most important muscle that all athletes need, the brain.

Hypnotherapy is a two-way street where I will help you help yourself. Come ready to overcome your issues and we can successfully work together.

What sports can be helped with Hypnotherapy?

Any sports or performance can be enhanced through Hypnotherapy. It helps you to gain competitive advantage by having superior emotional preparation and achieving a better mental state during the times of stress.